Limited Liability Partnership is a body corporate that provides benefits of limited liability to it's members along with flexibility to organize it's internal structure as partnership It is incorporated under the LLP Act,2008 and should have at least 2 partners.
Procedure to incorporate LLP:
Purchase DSC (Digital Signature Certificate) of Designated Partners.
Apply for name of LLP through MCA service "RUN-LLP [Reserve Unique Name- Limited Liability Partnership]" by visiting and paying fees. The intimation regarding rejection or approval of name shall be sent on e-mail id provided by you.
Once the name is approved, fill and submit Form FiLLiP (Form for incorporation of LLP) within 3 months of approval of name. This form constitutes of 3 which include:
Name reservation
Allotment of DPIN (Designated Partner Identification Number)
Incorporation of LLP
In Form FiLLiP, following major details are required to be submitted:
Service Request Number (SRN) of RUN-LLP
Address of Registered office of LLP
Business activities to be carried out by LLP
Total number of designated partners and other partners of LLP
Details about the designated partners and other partners, if any
Significance of abbreviated or coined word in the proposed name of the LLP
After filling the details in the form, attach the required documents.
Select the verification checkbox and proceed to Part B of the Form where first statement is provided by one of the designated partners and second by an Advocate or Company Secretary in whole time practice or Chartered Accountant in whole time practice or Cost Accountant in whole time practice.
Click on "Check form" button. Attach Digital signature of the designated partner and the professional certifying it.
Click on "Prescrutiny" button. If it's successful, you can proceed to upload the form on the MCA portal.
Upload the Form on MCA portal either through the user id created by the professional or by any of the designated partner. The same user login ID which was used for reserving the name through RUN-LLP has to be used for submitting and uploading FiLLiP.
On successful upload, pay fee.
MCA officials shall verify the form and if it's found complete and accurate in all respects, then the Registrar of Companies (ROC) shall issue the Certificate of Incorporation of LLP and LLP shall come into effect from the date mentioned in the certificate.
After incorporation of LLP, draft a LLP Agreement and file it along with Form 3 "Information with regard to Limited Liability Partnership Agreement and changes, if any, made therein" and fee within 30 days of incorporation. LLP Agreement shall be attached in this form and DSC of one of the designated partners and a professional -Company Secretary in whole time practice/ Chartered Accountant in whole time practice/ Cost Accountant in whole time practice shall also be attached.
Documents required to incorporate LLP:
PAN of partners
Address proof of partners (Bank statement/ Electricity bill/ Telephone bill/ Mobile bill)
Identity proof of partners (Voters Identity Card/ Passport/ Driving License)
Address proof of registered office of LLP (Private sector bills, Tax invoices, Receipts, Bank statements, Property tax receipts or Revenue department receipts are not considered for Registered office address proof)
NOC from the owner of premises of LLP mentioning the name of proposed LLP (in case rented/ leased property)
Subscriber's sheet along with consent of designated partners (to act as partners) in Form-9
Note:Address proof of partners and of registered office of LLP should not be older than 2 months and should be legible.