How we are structured

Upajivan is the brand which was established in the year 2020 with an object to help small & medium sized businesses in India under which member firms of Upajivan Advisory India LLP operate and provide professional services.

In many parts of the State, accounting firms are required by law to be locally owned and Independent. Upajivan Advisory network consists of firms which are separate legal entities. The firms that make up the network and are committed to working together to provide quality service offerings for clients across India.

Firms which includes Practising Chartered Accountants, Company Secretaries, Advocates and other industry experienced professionals associated with Upajivan business network are members in, have other connections to, Upajivan Advisory India LLP doesn’t practice accountancy or provide professional service to clients. Rather, its purpose to act as a coordinating entity for member firms associated with Upajivan business network. Member firms of Upajivan Advisory India LLP can use firm name and draw on the resources and methodologies of Upajivan business network. Member firms are bound to abide by certain common policies and to maintain the standards of the upajivan business network. We focus on key areas such as Company Registration, Intellectual Property, Accounting & Book-keeping, GST, Income Tax, TDS, PT, ROC Annual Compliance and Auditing, and management consulting which includes:

  • Business Valuation & its growth.
  • Helps in resulting positive Cash flow.
  • Helps to understand the economy system.
  • Helps to understand Banking System.
  • Helps to understand Accounting and their application in business.
  • Helps to understand Tax System.
  • To know how to manage Supply Chain of your products for end delivery.
  • To understand the Market Position of your products and services to reach high return on Investment.