An Overview

This Act is enacted and rules are governed by every state in India, The Act is designed to regulate:

  • Payment of wages
  • Hours of work
  • Leave, holidays
  • Terms of service
  • Other working conditions of person employed in the shop and commercial establishments.

The establishments include commercial spaces, residential hotels, restaurants, theaters or other places of public amusement or entertainment.
Commercial establishment also include a banking or insurance establishment, an establishment of administrative service in which the persons employed are mainly engaged in official work.

The employer of shop or commercial establishment located within Municipal Corporation/ Municipality/ NAC area and engaging one or more employee(s) has to apply for registration of his establishment within 30 days from its commencement of work.

Based on the geographical location, and the application will be routed to the designated District Labour Officer. Prior to applying to this service, if the applicant has applied for PEAL, the first section of the Registration or Renewal of Registration of an Establishment under the Orissa Shops & Commercial Establishments Act, 1956 will get auto-populated from the PEAL form.

Applicant who did not fill the PEAL form, will have to fill all the fields.

Industries Department of the Govt. of Odisha has developed the online Single Window Portal in order to facilitate 'Ease of Doing Business' and foster a conducive business environment in the State. It acts as a single window for clearances from 15 state departments, leveraging technology to bring in transparency, improve efficiency and extend time-bound clearances to the investors.

The Single Window Portal allows seamless integration with portals of different government departments thereby,

  • Eliminating the need to fill forms multiple times
  • Ensuring time-bound clearance, as well as ensuring single login credential for all applications.
  • It acts as a one-stop solution for information, registration, approvals, e-payment and application tracking for clearances/approvals.
  • It also provides updated information relating to relevant rules, regulations, orders and policy initiatives and schemes for guiding the investors.
  • In addition to this, the portal sends alerts, via email and SMS, to applicants about the progress on their submitted applications.

After the form is successfully submitted, applicants can pay the required fees either online or offline. The fees prescribed for registration/renewal of registration of shop or commercial establishment are as follows:

No. of Workers employed Fees for Registration/Renewal of Registration (applicable from 2014 to 2019)
1 to 9 112.50
10 to 19 300/-
20 or more 450/-

Documents require for registration

  • Registration Certificate (in case of renewal)
  • Photograph of Shop/ Name plate on entrance with local language
  • Certificate of Incorporation/ LLP agreement, in case of company/firm
  • Copy of PAN card
  • Details of all Employees working in an establishment
  • Address Proof
  • Notice of Weekly Off-Day (Form 7)
  • Notice of Daily Hours of Employees (Form 5)


Registration of an Establishment or subsequent Renewals under the Orissa Shops & Commercial Establishments Act, 1956 is provided within 15 working days from the date of submission of application.

The department can however raise queries on the application within 7 working days of receipt of application.

General instructions

S. No Field Name Instructions
1 Name of the Employer Enter the name of the Owner/Manager/ Supervisor of the establishment
2 Father’s/Husband’s Name Enter the name of the Father or Husband of the Owner/Manager/ Supervisor of the establishment
3 Postal Address Enter the address of the Owner/Manager/ Supervisor of the establishment. District and Block/NAC/ Municipality can be selected from the dropdown list.
4 Name of the Establishment Enter the name of the establishment for which license is sought
5 Postal address of establishment Enter the address for communication of the establishment
6 Category of establishment Select from the dropdown list
7 Date of Commencement Enter the date of commencement of commercial activities at the establishment